Charity vote 2023/24
Each year members of the congregation are invited to vote for charitable donations to be made in the name of Trinity Church.
The church meeting has agreed that this year we shall make charitable donations of £1000 to each of 6 external charities.
The congregation was invited to vote to select these charities. For the church financial year 2023/4 the selected charities were:-
Alzheimer’s Society,
Refugee and Migrant Network
St Raphaels Hospice
Sutton Mental Health Foundation
Sutton Cruse Bereavement Support
In addition Trinity is making donations to denominational charities (Leaders of Worship and Preaching Trust, Methodist Church Funds, Moderator's Benevolent Fund etc) totalling £4,500.
Note that contributions to charities by Trinity far exceed the above as we also give to URC denominational charities through our assessment and we hold collections and fundraise for Disaster Emergency Committee Appeals, Christian Aid and Action for Children. Additionally our Junior Church and Bunker Youth Group regularly raise funds for charities which they choose to support.