At Trinity we seek to look after people's physical needs as well as their spiritual needs!
Would you know what to do if someone was seriously ill or had an accident at church?
First Aid Boxes - First Aid boxes can be found:-
at the back of the church under the pew;
in the Choir Vestry; and
in the kitchen under the central counter, opposite the doorway, in the top drawer.
Telephones - Dial 999 from the phone upstairs in the Deacons' Vestry..
First Aiders - There is a list of people with medical or First Aid knowledge on the noticeboard at the back of the church.
Defibrillator - There is a defibrillator at the end of the long corridor from church to the halls, at the top of the stairs. If someone has suffered a cardiac arrest (that is, if they have collapsed, are unresponsive and are not breathing normally) then this defibrillator should be used without delay.
The priority must be giving chest compressions and dialling 999 but the sooner the defibrillator can be used the better - it can and should be used by ANYONE without training.
When you open the defibrillator it automatically gives instructions.
Accident reporting. Renters should report accidents using their own procedures and advise Trinity if relevant, For Trinity events all injuries must be reported promptly using the accident books located with the First Aid kits in the kitchen and at the back of the church.