“Here, as in the world around us, all our varied skills and arts, wait the coming of the Spirit into open minds and hearts.”
(Singing the Faith, Hymn 25 v1)
There are many ways to get involved, and working alongside others is a great way to get to know people.
Our services could not happen without the many people who prepare for them, and contribute to them, such as people who:-
Edit and issue the weekly email newsletter so people know what to expect
Provide or pay for flowers, perhaps in memory of someone or in celebration of an anniversary
Arrange flowers
Prepare and copy the service sheet
Serve as Deacons and prepare for the service (and sometimes unlock the church)
Prepare bread and wine for communion
Welcome the congregation as they arrive and hand out service sheets, ensuring newcomers get a welcome, the information they need and an introduction to others in the congregation
Read the lessons
Play the organ
Sing in the choir
Operate the sound desk and video system
Lead various age groups in junior church
Serve tea and coffee after the service
Count and record the collection
Our thanks to all these people - but of course everyone in the congregation is playing a key part in the service - worshipping our God, learning, singing and praying...
Then there are other opportunities not directly related to services, such as:-
Gardening parties to keep the grounds looking smart;
Committee work to keep everything organised;
Practical maintenance work around the church.
You may also want to join the Group related activities.
If you would like to help with any of the above roles, even if only occasionally or in a small way, your offer will be valued. Please contact us.
Getting involved
Staffing the welcome table
Preparing flowers for distribution
Serving coffee
Staffing the welcome table