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Lent Study Groups
starting 10 March

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This year there will be four Lent Study Groups running for 5 weeks starting the week beginning Monday March 10. This is a chance to reflect and discuss with friends from the other churches in central Sutton.


There will be readings, prayers, music and lots of discussion. If you haven’t tried this before, do join a group this year! 

We will be following material planned by an organisation called Green Christian entitled Calling a Wounded Earth Home. This course asks:  “What kind of people might we need to be to face the challenge of climate change?” 

The themes for the 5 weeks are LOVE, TRUTH, WISDOM, JUSTICE, HOPE

The groups will meet weekly for five weeks starting the week beginning 10 March:

Mondays at 10.30am in the Minor Hall at Trinity

Tuesdays at 7.30pm (except 18 March) on Zoom

Thursdays at 11.15am at St Nicholas

Thursdays at 7.30pm in the John Clifford Hall at Sutton Baptist Church


On Tuesday 15 April at 7.30pm we will all meet together at Sutton Baptist Church.

The online bookings to join a group have now closed.   To request a place or for more details please contact Olwen Edwards (    020 8643 2525   07805 848983).

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