"I was a stranger and you welcomed me."
(St Matthew 25:35)
We support Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton as we believe that we have a part to play in making our society one in which all, especially the most vulnerable, are valued and empowered.
RMNS offers friendship, advice, counselling and English language classes to refugees, asylum seekers and newly settled migrants. RMNS operates a Drop-In Centre every Wednesday from 10.00 to 12.00 at Trinity Church Hall, including a crèche to enable parents to attend the English classes.
RMNS is a separate charity, independent of Trinity Church. However Trinity is a "member" of RMNS and we provide them with accommodation, volunteers, food from our Harvest Festival and gift tokens for the children donated by our members at Christmas.
Trinity runs a joint project with RMNS, the International Coffee Club which meets in the Terrace Room on Monday mornings providing an environment where people can come and chat to practise their English.
RMNS have won the Sutton Community Award for Voluntary and Community Sector Organisation of the Year 2023.
In September 2024 RMNS is starting to offer English Language lessons at a 2nd site in the borough.
Refugee and Migrant
Network Sutton